Novell Syndicates Online News To Customers
In response to the vast amount of advertising clutter that is in the world and on the Internet today, Novell Design Studio allows retailers and consumers to keep up with their latest editorial and special advertising placements via the Novell News webpage. Hosted on the company’s website, interested parties can subscribe to the section’s RSS feed and have news delivered directly to their e-mail account, cell phone or personal webpage with just the click of a button. Over the past year, Novell (a leading wedding ring manufacturer which specializes in product customization) has been spreading the word about their bridal jewelry through a variety of online methods. Videos, brochure downloads, and RSS all combine to increase the reach of Novell’s unique message – your wedding ring can be made your way – and helps supplement their traditional advertising. With individual time constraints and concerns today about the impact of excess packaging on the environment, online news distribution greatly reduces the need for printed material. Customers also may quickly access additional information without further delay.
Why Use RSS to Keep Up with Novell Wedding Ring News?
RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as “feed” to whoever wants it. RSS is convenient for people who regularly use the web. It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from websites that are often visited or found helpful. Messages are delivered to a central location, and time is saved by not needing to visit additional websites individually. The number of sites offering RSS feeds is growing rapidly and includes big names like Yahoo News, Google News and many more. Visit for more information and to subscribe.
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