Authorized Novell wedding band retailer Dransfield Jewelers (in Richmond, Virginia) is hosting its 2nd Annual Greatest Love Story Contest. This year’s theme is “The Ultimate Proposal.” Do you or someone you know have a story that’s actually “The Ultimate Proposal?” Dransfield Jewelers will be accepting proposal stories new and old from May 1st to May 31st, so email your proposal tale in 500 words or less and tell them why your story is “The Ultimate Proposal.”
Story submissions may also include:
• Video about or from the engagement.
• Photograph of the couple, ring or engagement moment.
• Description of the engagement ring.
Local sponsors for “The Ultimate Proposal” are – the Hat Factory, Bistro Bobette, and Bob Schnell Photography.
The winning couple will receive:
• A June window display showcasing their Ultimate Proposal.
• Dessert and coffee from Bistro Bobette.
• $500 gift certificate to Dransfield Jewelers.
• Two tickets to a concert at the Hat Factory.
• A one-hour portrait session with Bob Schnell Photography.
Please note: The winner will be notified during the first week of June.
Dransfield Jewelers
1308 East Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 643-0171