Almost every single day somebody in the world gets married. It is a custom that is part of almost every society all throughout the planet, yet not a lot pf brides and grooms-to-be are up-to-date about stories behind their bridal jewelry. If you are one of those brides or grooms, here’s a few bridal jewelry tidbits that you may find interesting. You can even use a fact at each reception place setting to get the conversation started among your guests.
Please note: These facts have been compiled from a wide variety of sources, and are presented for entertainment purposes only.
- The first wedding rings of woven and braided reeds and rushes were exchanged by a new bride and groom in Egypt well over 4,000 years ago!
- In Ireland it was once thought to be bad luck if your wedding ring was made of any material other than gold.
- In parts of the world, the superstition goes that wedding rings have to fit perfectly well on the wearer’s fingers or various types of bad luck will visit.
- The ancient Egyptians and later other civilizations wore their wedding rings on the same finger that is used in many cultures today.
- In the medieval days, an English groom would say “in the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit” while putting the ring part way onto the bride’s thumb and next two fingers.
- Legend has it that the vein in the “wedding ring finger” (third finger, left hand) led directly to the heart.
- Using metal for making wedding rings became popular over time, but they were usually far from perfectly round and they often had gems put into them.
- Very early in time, wedding rings were made from brass and copper. However, the Romans preferred to use iron.
- Back in the old days, if a person was wealthy, they often showed that fact to others by the jewelry they wore.
- In the 1600s, silver was sometimes being used for rings and some wedding rings were having words of love, hope, and devotion put in them.
- Until the 18th century, diamond mines were generally only found in India.
- Most natural diamonds found in mines are one million to three million years old.
- Diamonds are created deep within the Earth. In many cases – 75 miles or deeper.
- Diamonds are made of pure carbon. And only a diamond cuts another diamond.
- 80 percent of the world’s diamonds are not suitable for jewelry – including wedding bands.
- Black diamonds are made up of carbon atoms and small amounts of hydrogen. This has led some people to believe black diamonds were formed in space, and have literally crashed to the Earth!
- Platinum is a white metal, but unlike gold it is used in jewelry in almost its pure form (approximately 95% pure).
Happy Wedding!