Summertime is prime ice cream season. It’s also prime wedding season. And if you’re an ice cream lover that’s also getting married, be ready to say “Yes!” to Blue Bell’s newest flavor – Bride’s Cake.
Bride’s Cake is an almond ice cream with white cake pieces surrounded by a rich amaretto cream cheese icing swirl that no one will object to. Blending the flavor of wedding cake with ice cream, it really combines the best of both worlds.
Of course, with every bride there should be a groom. Blue Bell has also announced that it is bringing back Groom’s Cake Ice Cream. Previously available in 2009, this flavor is chocolate ice cream with chocolate cake pieces and chocolate-coated strawberry hearts, surrounded by swirls of strawberry sauce and chocolate icing.
But you better rush down your grocery store aisle soon! Both flavors are only available for a limited time.
For a store in your area, visit www.bluebell.com.